Eat Pray Faith with Tracey Stroup, ND, CNHP
#EatPrayFaith with Tracey Stroup, ND, CNHP is about the biblical foundations of health set by God. Foundational Health (body, soul & spirit). We go back to biblical principles on physical health, nutrition, movement, hydration, sleep, cleansing, Soul wellness (mind, will and emotions) and spiritual health (your relationship with the Father).As a former New Age practitioner, Tracey will analyze and compare new age practices NOT in the Bible. Additionally, she will connect the biological pathway of DIS-ease in the body; how the enemy's target on your life literally takes YOUR active participation and how to live according to biblical principles, to use the word as your weapon against the attacks. We will discuss everything from nutrition, supplementation, disease, genetic mutations, fitness, detox and cleansing to modalities given to us by God and those not of God, Controversial topics will be discussed, break open conspiracy theories and get back to Christ centered biblical health. This is not mysticism or the idea of supernatural healing. God can do anything but we first must learn what HE said about our health according to scripture. Special guests and more...Christ at the center of all things. We never stop asking the question, “What does God say?”
Eat Pray Faith with Tracey Stroup, ND, CNHP
Stuff in Childhood Vaccines - What are we injecting into our kids?
As a parent we try to make the best decisions for our children. Today we look at the childhood vaccine schedule and ‘stuff’ in vaccines. From cows blood to DNA what they are NOT informing you of!
Whether you choose to vaccinate or not, this podcast today is meant to inform you. If you know better, you will choose better. Find out the ingredients, impact, laws and how did we get here!
Also, how do vaccines impact the body?
Are they “safe and effective?”
And what can we do as parents if we choose ‘no’ for our family.
Dr. Tracey breaks this down today! Don’t miss it and share it with a friend!
- 1986 The Act
- Course on VAERS
- Link to vaccine excipients and adjuvants
- Children’s Health Defense
- Dissolving Illusions Dr. Suzzanne Humphries
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Website
- States that have exemptions
Supporting products:
Make an appointment and start your health journey HERE!
Thank you for joining us! We would love to hear from you. Send us a message. ~ Dr. Tracey
A note from Dr. Tracey ~
Our bodies, when given what it needs, will do what is needs to be healthy!
God's design is perfect and good. He is a way maker and has made a way back to health when we abide in all that HE said is VERY GOOD! I hope you embrace the beautiful opportunity before you.
God bless you all ~ Dr. Tracey
Thank you for joining us here. Find out more about our health services and educational opportunities plus get all the wellness products you need.
Health Services and Programs: Tracey Stroup, ND
Educational Opportunities: The Academy of Abiding Wellness
Wellness Products: Our Wellness Store
*The information presented here is not medical advice.