Eat Pray Faith with Tracey Stroup, ND, CNHP
#EatPrayFaith with Tracey Stroup, ND, CNHP is about the biblical foundations of health set by God. Foundational Health (body, soul & spirit). We go back to biblical principles on physical health, nutrition, movement, hydration, sleep, cleansing, Soul wellness (mind, will and emotions) and spiritual health (your relationship with the Father).As a former New Age practitioner, Tracey will analyze and compare new age practices NOT in the Bible. Additionally, she will connect the biological pathway of DIS-ease in the body; how the enemy's target on your life literally takes YOUR active participation and how to live according to biblical principles, to use the word as your weapon against the attacks. We will discuss everything from nutrition, supplementation, disease, genetic mutations, fitness, detox and cleansing to modalities given to us by God and those not of God, Controversial topics will be discussed, break open conspiracy theories and get back to Christ centered biblical health. This is not mysticism or the idea of supernatural healing. God can do anything but we first must learn what HE said about our health according to scripture. Special guests and more...Christ at the center of all things. We never stop asking the question, “What does God say?”
Eat Pray Faith with Tracey Stroup, ND, CNHP
Hormone Mastery with special guest Eleanor Duelley, Holistic Hormone Specialist
Ladies...lean in!
I have to tell you within the first 10 min of interviewing Eleanor Duelley, I had a righteous anger flare up inside. As a woman, from the time we are young, we are brainwashed to believe the natural occurrences of our bodies are curses.
From teenage years and beyond, our hormones are the root of our mood issues, energy issues, sleep issue, weight issues and more. Why are women so mistreated when it comes to our hormones and cycles?
The answer?...
Because the 'experts' in conventional medicine are not trained in a true root wellness approach to something every woman will experience.
They are trained in pharma therapy, organ removal and bandaid approaches.
I would bet almost every woman listening to this podcast were put on birth control as a young teenage girl to "regulate your period" rather than asking "Why are her cycles irregular in the first place?"
There is no discovery process in the conventional approach. No blood work to check hormone or deficiency levels. No discussion of nutrition or eating healthy. And certainly no discussion of toxicity and how that can and does impact our hormone levels.
We definitely need a reboot to this mistreatment of women through the decades. Ladies...we are more than our hormones!
Today, with my special guest Eleanor Duelley, we get down to the real approach to hormone harmony! Our hormone paths do not have to be conventional repression with birth control. Our paths and the paths for your daughters can be rooted in harmony with our bodies with some simple nutrition and detoxification.
Eleanor is changing the game when it comes to women's hormone health. I hope you enjoy and learn as much as I did today!
Check our Eleanor's class Zen Hormone Harmony. It's time to take back your health!
Connect with Eleanor Duelley
About our guest:
Eleanor Duelly, based in Dallas , TX, is a highly experienced and compassionate Board-Certified Nutritionist (CNS) and Licensed Dietician Nutritionist (LDN). With a deep-rooted passion for holistic health and wellness, Eleanor specializes in guiding women towards a healthier path by focusing on whole foods nutrition rather than quick fixes or pharmaceuticals.
With a Master's degree in Nutrition and Integrative Health from Maryland University of Integrative Health, Eleanor brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her practice. She has over 1000 hours of clinical practice as a Board Certified Nutrition Specia
Thank you for joining us! We would love to hear from you. Send us a message. ~ Dr. Tracey
A note from Dr. Tracey ~
Our bodies, when given what it needs, will do what is needs to be healthy!
God's design is perfect and good. He is a way maker and has made a way back to health when we abide in all that HE said is VERY GOOD! I hope you embrace the beautiful opportunity before you.
God bless you all ~ Dr. Tracey
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*The information presented here is not medical advice.